motherhood couples therapy trauma somatic therapy

Pregnancy, Birth + Motherhood Support

At The Sacred Journey of Motherhood we understand the gravity of bringing life into this world and we want to support you along the path. Molly weaves together her ability to hold sacred space through her training as a psychotherapist and help guide women back to their innate wisdom through somatic work, prenatal and postnatal yoga, and childbirth education. Whether you are planning to conceive, pregnant, postpartum, healing from birth trauma or deep into the parenting journey, this offering is for you.

Online Course

You have an intuitive feeling to follow a natural birthing path and are seeking deeper guidance and sisterhood

You are dedicated to inner work and healing

You tend to question the status quo

You have fear around the birthing process and your capabilities in motherhood

You are feeling overwhelmed by all of the decisions to make throughout pregnancy; which tests and procedures to get, or to get any at all

You yearn for nurturing direction and science-backed information

You have past trauma(s) to heal from other birth(s) and wish for a different, more empowering outcome with this pregnancy

You are searching for wise woman guidance and ancestral knowledge

You dream about being an earth mama connected to your intuition, knowing exactly what you need to nourish your body, instinctively guided in your labor and natural unfolding into motherhood

Mama, this course was created for you

All connecting you to the biological web of information of the most sacred blood mystery: childbirth.


(Course created by Molly Mitchell-Hardt and Becky Whitmore. Video content by Adrienne Ackerman. Music by Kevin Grossmann.)

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